Daily Devotion by Judah Palangyos

 I am proud to admit that we, Christians are also imperfect. Everyday we cannot deny the fact the we also commit sins. Let me be clear by saying that just like anyone else, we Christians also are sinful for we are humans too. So don't point a finger at us in every mistake we make. Don't be discourage to listen to our sharing even if we have mistakes. Again I say, we are not perfect. But I tell you this, that through the voice of the Holy Spirit. We can humble ourselves and admit our mistakes. Christians are very willing to confess their sins unto the Lord and ask for forgiveness. Through the push of the Holy Spirit, we can also be Christ like and forgive those who sinned against us. Through the blood of Christ that had cleansed us, we can be righteous in the eyes of God. All of us can have this privilege, all you got to do is confess and have faith in Him. He will lead you to the path He wants us to walk through... Good evening..❤
