Daily Devotion by Judah Palangyos

 Unbelievers look at us Christians as saints or not righteous individuals. So in every mistake that we make, their tongues are too itchy to spread it. But this I tell you, even us Christians commits sin too. We are just like anyone else, imperfect and is sinful in the eyes of God. The only difference is, we commit sins because of the weakness of our sinful flesh. Unlike unbelievers who commit sins because they love doing it. We also are taught by the Holy Spirit to humble ourselves and accept our transgressions. The Holy Spirit drives us to be humble and drives us to ask forgiveness sincerely. Unlike unbelievers who seek for reasons why such transgressions were done. Brothers and sisters, before we knew Christ. We are nothing but dirty rugs in the eyes of God, But when we received Christ, Christ is clothed over us and that is the ones seen by God. We became righteous in His eyes through the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Good evening....❤
