Daily Devotion by Judah Palangyos

 This Good Friday Christ, we remember the death of Christ. Let us all picture His sacrifices. First, He was laughed at and was crowned with thorns for they believe that He is not the Messiah that was sent by His Father. Jesus was mauled by the crowd, they tore His clothing, spit on His face and was kicked while He was down on His feet. He was flagged and was later forced to carry a wooden cross to Golgota. There He was sentenced like a criminal and was crucified to death. All of theses He endured because of us. His wondrous love for us that we may receive our salvation in order that we will be righteous in His Father’s eyes. Now, let us examine the life we’re leading today. Ask yourself, are you worth it? Is the sacrifice of Christ worth it? We may not be saint for we’re imperfect, but by having faith and through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We can say, I am worth it. Jesus didn’t die for nothing, I love Him but He loves me more. I cling to Him but He chose me first. Let us all be grateful for what Christ had done for us…Good evening…❤
