Pg 14: "So much then is sure. The Missourians cannot claim the right to cover their predestinarianism with Luther’s name. If, however, they persist in doing so, it is not the entire Luther rightly understood upon whom they rest, but an arbitrary selection of expressions from his writings, made for the purpose, and which is not in accord but in direct contradiction with his fundamental opinions. And independently of this, what Missouri teaches is in irreconcilable contradiction with the doctrine of the Formula of Concord and all the Lutheran dogmaticians since the end of the Sixteenth Century, standing upon the foundation of that confession. Whether its adherents acknowledge it or not, Dr. Walther’s doctrine really threatens to draw a large portion of the church of North America from Lutheranism to Calvinism. Dr. Fritschel is right when he represents the danger as serious, that in case this Missouri doctrine gain more ground and dominion in the Lutheran Church of America, for which great efforts are made;
“the Lutheran Church of this country will thereby receive its fatal thrust, and become a Crypto-calvinistic sect, which with logical necessity must further unfold the germs here contained, and on an inclined plane rush completely into Calvinism.”
Thank you for this Glen... Calvinism is anti Gospel..